Rome, The Eternal City

Rome to me is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, if not the most!

It is a place lost in it’s own time capsule, surrounded by ancient historical ruins and small weaving alleyways that lead to untold wonders. 


However, it is not just a city of historical events and old crumbling ruins, it is also a place that lives in perfect balance, in which past meets present – making it quite a sight to behold. With noisy mopeds zooming around the outskirts of the Colosseum, and street artists spray painting their sunsets and galaxies on canvas outside The Roman Forum. Whilst men and woman push the boundaries of fashion with fabulous bright colours and outrageous pompoms in front of the magnificent Pantheon… It is a scene in which nothing should fit and therefore everything does, perfectly. 

As they say ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ and I 100% agree with this! There is no point visiting a place so extraordinary as Rome (or anyplace abroad for that matter), to simply sit in front of the telly and have chips n egg, No Sirree! I fully encourage anyone travelling to Rome, to see as much as humanly possible, to eat all the delicious Italian cuisine that one stomach can hold, and to fully throw yourself into the Italian way of life.

At the end of the day, we only get one life in this small moment in time, so why not live it to the full, and enjoy ourselves!


Rome has a bit of everything to offer and if you’re a fan of ancient history (like myself) then you will be in your element, as you explore the levels of the Colosseum and marvel at its mammoth grandeur, exploring every nook and cranny. Following your way to the Roman Forum to admire the ruins of what was once home of the most powerful civilisation in the world! It is a fascinating place to visit, despite it mostly being the foundations of the buildings/temple, with pillars and statues dotted throughout. However, it is the historical value of this place that captivates you, knowing that you are walking in the footsteps of a civilisation that shaped much of the world and its history… Now long gone, but not forgotten – It is quite a haunting thought!


There are hundreds of churches to see and bridges to cross, statues to gaze at and carpenters to craft! Shops upon shops to explore and cobbled streets to follow! I have always found that each and every street in Rome has some form of uniqueness to it, be it the houses, or quirky shops, mosaics or statues, views or hidden destinations. It is a warren of excitement and adventure, I highly recommend walking (when possible) everywhere – as that is the only way to truly get a feel for a place and find the hidden gems! I wouldn’t say the public transport is expensive, and to be honest the taxis aren’t too badly priced either for a city, but Rome is so closely packed together that there isn’t really any need to get transport…well perhaps if you’ve been on the trot all day and you’re heading back to the hotel. But otherwise, everything is accessible through walking, including the bridges, and they are very lovely to stroll along. Especially the bridge of angels, Ponte Sant’ Angelo, full of various statues of angels each unique in there own way. It is very picturesque!


I adore the relaxing vibe of Rome, it is something quite rare to find in a city. Don’t get me wrong, the streets of Rome are not quiet ones… they are buzzing and full of life! Especially those around the Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps! Though there does come a time in the evening when everyone just disappears – you don’t even notice them dwindling away, one minute it’s heaving and the next you turn around and its just you left standing in front of this magnificent site.

What I mean, when I say that Rome is relaxing, is that there is no sense of pressure from anyone, even the workers don’t seem stressed or cranky, as they might do in London or New York. If anything they all look like they’re having a blast and not taking life too seriously! There is a lightness about Rome, that not all cities can claim to have.


As you can tell I have a massive soft spot for Rome (and Italy for that matter), I love exploring this gorgeous city at any time in the day, but I have to say that doing so by night is incredible! Sitting on the Spanish steps as the sun is going down, feeling the last of its glorious heat on your face and walking on to the pantheon as dusk comes in – hearing the laughter and chatter of people enjoy their meals in nearby restaurants. Admiring the Pantheon’s grandeur, as little silhouettes of sparrows chase one another through the pillars.

Carrying on down your route passing the very impressive Altare Della Patria, with the fire torch burning strong in front of the huge statue of Roma (the goddess of Rome), as she watches over all! Following your feet you find yourself looking down into The Roman Forum, as the moonlight illuminates the pillars and old crumbling temple walls.

…and then you look up and see it, the most breathtaking site, the Colosseum! Glowing in the night, light radiating out from within, as a faint sound fills the air of a reenactment taking place, releasing a chill of goosebumps at this eerie scene. It is an amazing thing to behold in the day, but by night it has a life of its own!

There are often shows, reenactments and concerts held within the Colosseum, which I am sure make for a very memorable watch, but to be honest the Colosseum has the power to be memorable at just a mere glance! It is not something to be missed.


I strongly encourage anyone who has not seen Rome (especially the Colosseum) by night to do so, it is something you will not regret! To me, it was the cherry on top of the most amazing visit to Italy!

I have always said that Rome is the perfect place to fall in love with yourself, and I think it’s something you need to experience to fully understand. It is a place to let your hair down and enjoy the little things in life. You notice so much more about yourself when you let go and just allow life to take its course, honestly, there is no better place than Italy to do so!

I could sit chatting away all day about the beauty of Rome and it’s motherland, but I don’t think I could ever truly do it justice. It is an incredible place that has earned the right a 100 times over to be called ‘The Eternal City’ for its beauty will never fade!


Thank you for reading my wee post, I hope you guys have enjoyed it. I’m hoping to do a whole series of posts about different parts of Italy that I have explored. I’m also hoping to do a ‘Roman Holiday’ post – about visiting the sites from the Audrey Hepburn Movie filmed in Rome!

Let me know if you guys liked this post and if you’ve been to Rome/Italy, or if you have any travel plans! Thank you again for reading, please don’t hesitate to get in Contact if you have any questions, requests or simply want to share an experience. Feel free to follow my Blog, and you can also find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Also at the end of August I’ll be doing a Festival Giveaway, so if you’d like to be a part of it there will be more posts, votes, and updates about all of it on my Twitter and Instagram accounts – I will also do a post on here when it goes live.

Thank you again, guys, and have a beautiful day!

Best wishes

Hermione x

53 thoughts on “Rome, The Eternal City

    1. Oh whoa I bet that was amazing! I’d love to love there, it’s such a dreamy city! Awww well I’m glad my post was a good enough representation of the place to make you want to go back! Haha thank you so much for reading and fingers crossed it won’t be long before I return! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! To be honest Rome is just the most picturesque place that I think even a picture of a bun would look amazing 😂 Aww I hope you get to go soon, it really is such a special place. Thank you, I was having a whale of a time finding the sites trying to be a wannabe Audrey! 😂 thank you so much for reading 😁 x

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great blog post. The way you write is very poetic “It is a place lost in it’s own time capsule” I like that!!
    I have been to Rome as well and loved it although I found it so hard to find my way around as I am so inept with maps and I felt their roads were so difficult to find your way! Haha

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much my lovely!! I have to admit, I thought of that line and decided I had to have it in! Even if it did mean tailoring the whole post around it 😂 I know what you mean about the roads though, there are so, so many! But oddly enough the always lead to something famous I’ve found hahaha thank you once again so much for reading! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post! I have been there in June this year and I loved it! Reading you was feeling like I was back there!
    You’re really good at writing 😀 It felt like a story coming straight from a book: I could feel the emotions through the description (you should think of writing a book! I’m sure you would be good at this!)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww that’s so kind of you! Thank you so much, it means the world to me! ☺️ I’m so happy you liked it 😁
      I bet your trip there was fantastic, along with the weather! What was your favourite part about Rome? Thank you so much for reading my friend! 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I had the chance to find a great guide to visit the Coliseum and the Forum Romano, so it made it awesome! And I also loved to walk around the street without really knowing where I was going, just to get a different perception of the city than just going to the touristic places ^^

        I actually wrote a blog post on my trip to Rome as well! I agree that it’s a City that people should recommend 😀

        And also: Italian ice creams are the best! 😛

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I know exactly what you mean, I love wandering off too to get a proper feel of the place and discover your own little gems! I’ll have to read you Rome post at some point and see if there anywhere I missed out on seeing last time 😊 and yes Italian ice cream is incredible!!! I had one a day for good measure just to check it was still good! 😂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I’ve alwyas wanted to go to Rome, I can’t wait to get the opportunity to go. I love places that are relaxing, I know exactly what you mean, doesn’t matter how many people- if everyone is calm and relaxed then it’ll always seem calm xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You should definitely go! I’m certain you’ll love it, it’s such a beautiful and fascinating place 😁 I do love that calm and chilled environment, it just makes everything so much more enjoyable! Thank you for reading 😁 x

      Liked by 2 people

  4. forthesakeofgoodtaste

    Rome has always been in the back of my mind as a place I’d like to visit eventually, but this post may have brought it to the top of my list – it sounds absolutely wonderful! Thanks for sharing 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww I am very happy to hear that! It is a wonderful place that you will not regret visiting! To be fair all of Italy is gorgeous but Rome is just such a fascinating place with all the history and architecture 😁 I hope you get to go soon ☺️ thank you for reading 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Love love love Rome. Been there twice now and want to get back and explore more. Piazza Navona is one of our favourites.
    When the people got a bit overwhelming, we escaped to the botanical gardens, which are beautiful and have a great view over Rome.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t it just the best place to explore! Literally I don’t think anyone has ever gotten board wandering the beautiful streets of Rome! I love the piazza navona too! The architecture all around is incredible 😊 I have to admit I have not been to the botanical gardens but I will certainly venture to them next time 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m originally from Rome and this was such an interesting read. I think you’ve captured the real essence of Rome and the Romans in your words.
    I personally can’t stand how caotic it is, too many people everywhere, but it’s so true that everyone is very relaxed (until you see them driving – stay clear!)
    I genuinely think Rome is the most beautiful city in the world and it’s actually so much bigger than people think. In fact, I personally wouldn’t say it’s easy to walk around but again I lived there pretty much all my life so I see it in a completely different way!
    Amazing post and pictures, really loved it.

    The Love Addict x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Daydreamer mum

    Now my children are getting older and I have more time to myself I’m planning on doing a little bit of seeing Europe and Rome is top of my list!
    Congratulations , someone loved this post so much they added it to our #blogcrush linky

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great post!
    Rome is 100% on my list of places to visit, it looks absolutely beautiful.
    Looking forward to seeing your future posts about the parts of Italy you have explored – I’ve never been to Italy, I’d love to hear your recommendations! x

    Liked by 1 person

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